Monday, June 22, 2009

Colon Cancer Symptoms

The symptoms of colon cancer are:

Constipation: one bowel movement daily is an important indicator that you enjoy good health. When the bowel movement is not regular then we know that something is wrong in the body. Many times it is caused by the food that we have eaten but sometimes it may be a warning that you have deep trouble in the colon. Constipation arises in cancer when the tumors block the way of the stool. The hard stool gets stuck in the colon and refuses to be eliminated with colon cleansing product.

Thin stool: we can make out any problem in the colon judging the formation of the stool. A thin stool is not a normal stool and may be a symptom of colon cancer. In the most unfortunate cases, a thin stool is caused by the tumor in the colon. These tumors may squeeze the stool from all sides and make it thin.

Bloody stool: sometimes blood may be seen in the stool. This may be caused when the tumors bleed. If the tumor is situated at the beginning of the colon then the blood may dry up and may not be visible but in case the tumor is at the end of the colon, then blood will appear fresh and red.

Abdominal cramps: these pains may be severe and can be caused by many factors. Sometimes the tumor prevents everything, solid, liquid or gas, to move in the colon for colon cleanse. it even obstructs the blood movement and in such cases the painful cramps are experienced. This may also be caused by perforation of bowel walls by the tumor.

Sudden weight loss: in case of colon cancer, the person may also experience weight loss without any explanation. It is caused when the tumor releases chemicals that increase the metabolism.

Unsatisfied sensation: the body senses the tumors in the colon and therefore makes the person feel that there is still something that needs to be removed even after he/she had passed the bowel.

Gas and bloating: the tumor may cause blockage in the colon and sometimes even prevent the gas from passing through. Even a small tumor can cause bloating and gas.

Other symptoms of colon cancer are anemia, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, bleeding hemorrhoids, change in bowel movement, rectal pain, diarrhea, etc. on noticing any abnormality in the bowel movement and in the body, it is very important that the person go to the doctor for check up. Those who are over 50 years of age must regularly go for cancer screening.

Colon Cancer Affects Men and Women Equally

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