Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Maori Factor

Recent research by a New Zealand University team into colon cancer has uncovered a very interesting phenomenon that sheds light on why colon cancer is almost non-existent in the Maori race. Naturally this fact created a spin-off from the original study because if the reason why the indigenous Maori people avoided this disease could be found they would gain precious information to help the constant fight to prevent colon cancer.

Initially they looked at diet and discovered that both red and purple berries and fruits formed a higher proportion of their diet than it did with non-indigenous New Zealanders. Based upon common practice they were aware of the anti-oxidant value of fruit and assumed that non-Maori people gained the same amount of anti-oxidants from other fruit and vegetables. This appeared to cancel out any benefit the Maoris gained by having a diet high in red and purple fruits and vegetables. That was until they decided to check anti-oxidant levels individually.

The results of the independent checks of anti-oxidant levels across a wide range of fruits and vegetables discovered that rather than these levels being the same, as commonly thought at the start of the experiments, they vary widely. For instance fruits with red or purple skins like berries, plums, red apples and even red skinned sweet potato have around four times the anti-oxidant levels of other fruits and vegetables. At this point the entire project started to make sense and the higher levels of ant-oxidants in a traditional Maori diet pointed to the reason for such low levels of colon cancer within the race.

The research continues today but based upon these findings there is strong reason to eat more strawberries, raspberries, redcurrants, cherries, plums, red apples and sweet potato in our daily diets. In fact any fruit or vegetable with a red or purple skin contains around four times the anti-oxidant level of other fruits and vegetables and therefore should be utilized in our diets for health reasons.

Somebody is bound to raise the question of whether frozen is as a good as fresh fruit. Here I can only give a personal opinion and state that whenever we cook, or freeze, foodstuffs we change the chemical make-up of the food and therefore it is unlikely to be the same as eating it fresh and uncooked. But, if frozen is all that is available then I guess its better than nothing.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Colon Cancer Affects Men and Women Equally

Women who have had cancer of the ovary, uterus, or breast are at higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. Women who are postmenopausal and who have never used hormone replacement therapy have a higher risk of colon, but not rectal, cancer than do women who are premenopausal and of the same age, sociocultural class, and dietary habits. African American women have the same probability of getting colorectal cancer as men, and they are more likely to die of colon cancer than are women of any other population group.

Most cases of colon cancer begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Cancerous tumors found in the colon or rectum also may spread to other parts of the body. Cancer of the colon and rectum (colorectal cancer) is a malignant tumor arising from the inner wall of the large intestine. If signs and symptoms of colon cancer do appear, they may include changes in bowel habits, blood in your stool, persistent cramping, gas or abdominal pain. Since colon cancer can grow for years without causing any symptoms, it's best to get regular colon cancer screenings.

Almost all men and women age 50 and older should have a colon cancer screening. Screening tests can help prevent colorectal cancer by finding pre-cancerous polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. For normal risk individuals, screening tests begin at age 50 and the preferred approach is a screening colonoscopy every 10 years; an alternate strategy consists of annual stool test for blood and a flexible sigmoidoscopic exam every 3 to 5 years.

Special screening programs are used for those with a family history of colorectal cancer. Colonoscopic surveillance (also called screening colonoscopy) needs to be available at more frequent intervals for individuals at high risk for colon cancer (for instance, those with a personal history of colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps; family history of colorectal cancer; non-hereditary polyposis; colorectal cancer; or a pre-disposing condition such as inflammatory bowel disease. Since your genes cannot be changed, if there is a family history of colon polyps or cancer, a colonoscopy should be performed to remove the polyps before they become malignant.

In the area of prevention, researchers are looking at the effects of curcumin (found in curry), resveratrol (found in red wine), ginger and the Mediterranean diet on the growth and development of colon cancer. Recent research suggests that a high fiber, low-fat diet plays a role in prevention; how great a role it plays is unclear. Although the exact cause of colorectal cancer is not known, it is possible to prevent many colon cancers through: diet and exercise. It is important to manage the risk factors you can control, such as diet and exercise.

A detox program, in most cases shall include a mental shift in attitude towards diet, improving nutrition, removing toxins, returning the desired flora in your internal system, maintaining a balanced pH level in the body and improving the overall mind and body relationship. Diet plays an important role in preventing the development of colon cancer. Diets high in fat and low in fruits and vegetables, such as those that include red meat, fried foods and high-fat dairy products, may increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

A body cleanse diet, is a diet that aims to clean and remove harmful toxins from your body. A well known detox diet for your body is the increasingly popular lemon detox diet, which incorporates a number of ingredients and requires you to consume a drink of these ingredients once everymorning, then drinking water with a hint of lemon juice throughout theday. Generally, a healthy and safe detox diet will not require you to starve yourself, and it contains highly nutritious food that can help to boost your metabolism.

While you are doing your colon cleanse, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and exercise. Exercise is believed to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Light exercise is also a good way of getting the blood circulating in your body. Gentle, no-impact exercise safe and beneficial for people of all ages. There are tons of exercise programs and plans out there, or just walking for at least 12-15 minutes a day is beneficial to the colon function.

Detoxification is an efficient process of removing toxins from the body. The bodies natural detoxification system had simply not evolved to deal with the future man made pollutants that were to come. With the increase of toxins within the environment and foods we eat, it is not surprising that the majority of people are at a level of toxicity that is past the point that the bodies own natural detoxification system can cope with. Regular detoxification will help avoid serious problems and keep you feeling better, both mentally and physically. Detoxification kits may be bought from health food stores, or a qualified practitioner or natural physician can recommend detox products.

The Maori Factor

Monday, June 22, 2009

Colon Cancer Symptoms

The symptoms of colon cancer are:

Constipation: one bowel movement daily is an important indicator that you enjoy good health. When the bowel movement is not regular then we know that something is wrong in the body. Many times it is caused by the food that we have eaten but sometimes it may be a warning that you have deep trouble in the colon. Constipation arises in cancer when the tumors block the way of the stool. The hard stool gets stuck in the colon and refuses to be eliminated with colon cleansing product.

Thin stool: we can make out any problem in the colon judging the formation of the stool. A thin stool is not a normal stool and may be a symptom of colon cancer. In the most unfortunate cases, a thin stool is caused by the tumor in the colon. These tumors may squeeze the stool from all sides and make it thin.

Bloody stool: sometimes blood may be seen in the stool. This may be caused when the tumors bleed. If the tumor is situated at the beginning of the colon then the blood may dry up and may not be visible but in case the tumor is at the end of the colon, then blood will appear fresh and red.

Abdominal cramps: these pains may be severe and can be caused by many factors. Sometimes the tumor prevents everything, solid, liquid or gas, to move in the colon for colon cleanse. it even obstructs the blood movement and in such cases the painful cramps are experienced. This may also be caused by perforation of bowel walls by the tumor.

Sudden weight loss: in case of colon cancer, the person may also experience weight loss without any explanation. It is caused when the tumor releases chemicals that increase the metabolism.

Unsatisfied sensation: the body senses the tumors in the colon and therefore makes the person feel that there is still something that needs to be removed even after he/she had passed the bowel.

Gas and bloating: the tumor may cause blockage in the colon and sometimes even prevent the gas from passing through. Even a small tumor can cause bloating and gas.

Other symptoms of colon cancer are anemia, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, bleeding hemorrhoids, change in bowel movement, rectal pain, diarrhea, etc. on noticing any abnormality in the bowel movement and in the body, it is very important that the person go to the doctor for check up. Those who are over 50 years of age must regularly go for cancer screening.

Colon Cancer Affects Men and Women Equally

Benefits of a Healthy Colon

Are you sick and tired of hearing that you should eat a high protein diet with vegetables at every meal? How boring is that?! Most of us tend to crave foods with more flavoring which are usually high in fat and processed with little nutritional value. The result is a toxic colon which causes constipation, stool hardening and more serious problems if not taken care of properly. So, what preventative steps can we take ensure a healthy colon in this fast food culture we live in today?

The colon is located in your large intestine and its job is to complete the digestion process by removing waste after the small intestine absorbs food nutrients. The food and drinks you put into your body create cells for regeneration. They feed the immune system which affects mood, behavior, sleep, sleep patterns, cognitive ability and performance. That’s why we need to force ourselves to eat smarter instead of easier with pre-packaged meals read to go.

Colon cancer is the 2nd largest cause of cancer in the U.S. only following lung cancer. One of the major contributing factors of this disease is a diet rich in fatty foods along with a sedentary lifestyle. To help prevent colon problems drink plenty of fresh water (preferably filtered or spring); embrace a healthy diet of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, oats, and whole grains. Also, chicken, turkey, and fish along with foods high in fiber are adequate a few times a week. Other benefits of a clean colon include: increased energy levels, clear skin, improvement in concentration, and an overall feeling of better health.

Did you know raspberries have the highest fiber of any fruit? Also, raw vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, cabbage, peas, and celery are all rich in fiber. Fiber keeps food moving through the intestine and expands the inside walls of the colon making waste easier to pass. You should have no more than 2-3 bowel movements a day which should mirror your number of meals. Everything in moderation is always a good rule of thumb so be careful not consume too much fiber as it hinders the absorption of other essential nutrients. If you follow these simple rules, you will be on your way to a healthier you.

Colon Cancer Symptoms

Friday, June 19, 2009

Regular Vegetables Discovered to Work Against Colon Cancer

A small study revealed that quercentin and curcumin wich are extracted from onions and curry could have a big impact on colon cancer, reducing it significantly.

Five persons were chosen for this study that appeared in August. All five of them had a hereditary disorder called familial adenomatous polyposis that is the cause for the appearing of colon cancer by creating hundreds of colorectal polyps. Ussualy this is treated by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The problem with these drugs are their side really bad side effects like internal ulcers and bleeding.

During the six months the study lasted, each of patients received daily 20 mg of quercetin (extracted from onions) and 480 mg of curcumin (extracted from curry). After this period it was found that the colorectal cancer cells dropped significantly. The number of polyps decreased by 60 percent while the average size of polyps by 51 percent. At one patient the number of polyps increased in the first phase because he didn't listen to the rules set by his doctors but, but after he started listening to the advices the number of polyps decreased immediately.

For the first time it was shown that curcumin has a similar effect as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in reducing the amount of polyps. Although the effect is similar curcumin is way better because it has minimal side effects.

By simply adding onions to a regular diet a pacient would ingest the quantity of quercetin needed to control the numbers and size of polyps, but the amount of curcumin you could ingest eating cury wouldn't be enough. That's why researchers advise using curcuming supplements for an effective cancer treatment.

Although the results where pretty convincing a larger study is required before curcumin and quercetin supplements could be introduced in regular cancer treating.

Benefits of a Healthy Colon

Detecting Colon Cancer in Its Early Stages Can Save your Life

Symptoms of colon cancer do not appear in all the patients when the disease is in an early stage but only after it has advanced in gravity. This is why doctors recommend that after a certain age people should ask for screenings regularly.

Colorectal cancer can give a lot of symptoms but they all match other diseases too like: inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulosis, and irritable bowel syndrome. All these diseases can be treated but they first must be diagnosed in order to apply a right treatment.

Patients come at the hospital because they are constipated, or have diarrhea for more than a week. Sometimes people observe that their stool is much thinner than before and that it comes with blood. They might be feeling abdominal pain, cramps, and bloating. Most of the patients loose a lot of weight in a short period of time and they feel that they have not defecated sufficiently.

Cancer determines cells to divide in an uncontrollable way. Generally the cells of the body divide only when needed, like when they grow old and other cells need to be produced in order to replace them or when they are in a small amount and the body needs more of them. Because the cells are produced in an increased number, a mass of unknown tissue will form, known as a tumor (this tumor can be benign or malign). Doctors believe that this type of cancer is developing from polyps situated in the large intestine. These polyps are considered to be benign but left untreated for years they can transform in malign tumors.

There are several types of polyps: adenomas, which can become cancerous but are easily removed during a colonoscopy; inflammatory polyps which appear after an ulcerative colitis and can also become cancerous and hyperplasic polyps which rarely transform into cancer.

If the cancer passes to a next stage it can affect the local lymph nodes and then get into the blood stream and affect other organs giving metastases.

The colorectal cancer can affect old people as well as young people but most of the cases are recorded at those aged over 50. There are several factors that increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer: those who have a family history of colon cancer or other type of cancer is at risk; those who drink alcohol and follow an improper diet can develop this disease. Also, people who suffer of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, and familial adenomatous polyposis are exposed at a greater risk than others. There is a type of nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome which also occurs in the same family members but now people who are at risk can be identified through genetic screening.

Those who have adopted western diets, are obese, are smoking and also follow a diet that is rich in proteins and fats and low in fiber are at risk to develop colorectal cancer.

Regular Vegetables Discovered to Work Against Colon Cancer

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Colon Cancer From Cheese?

My neighbor was labeled as "cheese man", as he used to bring us lovely cheese specialities from his privately owned cheese house. After 2 years of the launching of the business, he disappeared and no one knew where he had gone. We started to worry. Later, after he returned home, we were informed that he had been to the hospital because he had developed colon cancer. How? - we wondered as he ate the right kinds of food. He used to eat high-fiber food for breakfast, yogurt, juice, tons of fruits, and cheese. He was one of the healthiest people we had ever known.

There was no reason for him to develop colon cancer, yet it happened. The reason? Constant exposure to cold in his cheese depot. He used to spend 8 hours in a huge fridge. A large piece of his colon had to be removed and he was living with a bag hanging from his side. He had immense pain and could only eat liquid for nearly six months. I have seen his pain and struggle, since then I have been very conscious of my circumstances and the exposure to which my body is object.

Cancer does not differentiate. It can come to everyone. Yet not many of us are aware of the risks that lead to developing this disease. Our digestive system is at times not given due importance or attention. People are not clear about the difference between their appendix, small intestine, and colon.

What causes colon cancer? Colon cancer can develop from growing of polyps in the colon. These growths that have a mushroom-like shape, are not deadly, but some may develop into cancer with time. The cancer is diagnosed through colonoscopy, a rather painful examination. Treatment is via surgical intervention which in certain cases has to be followed by chemotherapy.

The patient in many cases do not experiences any symptoms, i.e., asymptomatic. Therefore, fecal occult blood testing is recommended to be carried out on a regular basis. Symptoms become stronger with the lesion being closer to the anus. Such symptoms are changing in bowel habits. For example, change in frequency, quality and consistency of stool, bloody stools, stools with mucus, stool with melena (black color due to oxidation of the iron in hemoglobin as it passes through the colon.) Anemia with dizziness, anorexia, and asthenia, weakness are symptoms as well.

Mostly people over the age of 60 are at risk of developing colon cancer. Removal of colon polyps in time reduces the possible risk of cancer. Individuals with previous colon cancer are apt to developing it again in the future. This disease can be developed on hereditary basis. Needless to say, smoking is a high risk for this type of cancer.

Insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fish, and over consumption of red meat can lead to this disease. Naturally, if you are physically active, your digestive system works better and faster, therefore you are at less risk. Human papilloma virus can be the cause of this cancer, therefore you need to check the nature of your virus with your physician when you catch any. Early diagnosis can save your life.

Detecting Colon Cancer in Its Early Stages Can Save your Life

New Scientific Brake Trough Against Colon Cancer

A team of scientists has discovered a gene that, when it stops working, causes the appearance of colon cancer in it's sporadic (noninherited) form. This discovery is predicted to create new treatments and new ways of preventing colon cancer. These researchers found out that this particular gene can be activated again by a special medicine, increasing the vulnerability of the colon cancer. This research reconfirms that this gene, called hMLH1, has a major importance in the fight against colon cancer.

Scientists know that if gene isn't working properly it will come to the development of a type of colon cancer found at people that have no cases in their family. But when it works correctly it stops the DNA from the cells from getting damaged. It does this by producing an enzyme that detects mistakes in the DNA fixing them before the whole cell is corrupted.

If the gene deactivates, the DNA gets tainted with methylation, a substance that makes the cell reproduce itself chaotically producing malformed cells. There is a drug known as 5-azacytide that separates the methylation of the DNA and repairs the cell. But scientists can't use this drug and they already look for a new one because 5-azacytide is very toxic. This fact was discovered by analyzing several colon cancer patients. At all of them colon cancer started while the age of 50 or 60, just the average time of this kind of cancer.

It is proven that the hMLH1 gene is inactive at colon cancer patients and it's already known how to activate it again and make it work properly. After activation of this gene patients become more receptive to chemotherapy, this way increasing the chances of destroying the colon tumors they have.

There may be a way of preventing the development of the cancer, if the DNA of the cell can be protected as soon as the gene starts to deactivate.

Colon Cancer From Cheese?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why Bacteria May Be the Cause of Colon Cancer Symptoms

New research may link one of the species of bacteria that live in our digestive system to the development of colon cancer symptoms. Home to many species, some "good" and others "bad", our digestive system provides these microbes a place to live, and in return they help with digestion and training the body's immune system. In susceptible people, this otherwise harmless organism causes DNA changes that can be a precursor to cancer.

The organism, known to scientists as enterococcus faecalis, (or E. faecalis for short) lives quietly in the digestive system of most of us, and it's true that not everyone develops colon cancer. For reasons scientists have yet to understand, in some people the organism produces an oxygen molecule known as superoxide that cause changes in DNA and prompt some of the gene action tied to cancer.

The research, conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Oklahoma City, looked at how colon cells reacted in the lab to the bacteria in the "fermentation" state. All in all, 42 genes linked to key processes in body cells were altered by the presence of E. faecalis.

"We found that superoxide led to strong signaling in immune cells called macrophages - it also altered the way some cells in the gut grew and divided and even increased the productivity of genes which are associated with cancer." says professor Mark Huycke, the lead researcher.

Experts in the UK also agree that bacteria may be likely culprits in cancers of the colon. Dr. Barry Campbell of the University of Liverpool agrees that E. faecalis could be involved, but he also believes that there are other bacteria in the bowel that play a part in the cell changes that eventually bring on tumors. He insists, "There is not going to be only one culprit. Our own team is interested in a particular type of E. coli with this in mind. There are also many other factors which are involved, such as genetics and environment."

And while the experts figure out what may be the root of the problem, there are things that you can do, right now, to reduce your risk. Living a healthy lifestyle where you eat right, exercise, don't smoke or drink to excess are important first steps. Keeping your weight under control will not only reduce your colon cancer risk, it will have you looking better and feeling better too.

You'll also want to learn all you can about colon cancer if you have a close family member like a parent or sibling with this disease. If you are at increased risk, your doctor will likely advise you to have colon screening tests before the usual age of 50. Don't put these off, and report promptly any change in your bowel habits to your doctor. Waiting in fear does you no good... and may rob you of your chance to fight your disease.

You'll also want to limit your exposure to toxins and radiation. While it takes a lot of radiation to get to a level that might cause cancer, you want to have tests you need but try to avoid exposure to unnecessary radiation.

New Scientific Brake Trough Against Colon Cancer

Effective Treatment For Colon Cancer

Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is one important cancer. In the western world, this cancer is considered as the third most common type of cancer and the second leading cause of death that are cancer-related.

Colon cancer causes 655,000 deaths every year. This type of cancer happens primarily on the person's colon, rectum and the appendix the moment cancerous growths appear on these areas. Many practitioners believed that these kinds of cancers arise from the so-called adenomatous polyps in the colon of one person. These polyps that look like mushrooms will usually start up as benign, but this can turn into cancer after some time.

Treatment For Colon Cancer
The treatment of colon cancer on one person is dependent on the status or the stage of the cancer. When the colon cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, then this cancer can be cured. But when detected on its late stage, the probability of having this cancer cured begins to fall as well.

Amongst the many treatments that are available right now, the more popular and the one considered as a primary treatment is surgery. Surgery that can be used to treat this cancer can be called curative, palliative, bypass, fecal diversion or can be labeled as open or close. The curative type is for the colon cancer where tumor is localized. Among these types of surgeries, the one used on worst cases is the open-and-close surgery. This happens when the surgeons who perform the operation find the tumor is unresectable and small bowel is the one involved.

There is also the Laparoscopic-assisted colectomy and this is considered as the minimally-invasive technique. This can reduce the size of the incision and also lessen post-operative pains that can be experienced by the patient. Another treatment that can be used to address this cancer is chemotherapy. This type of treatment helps reduce the likelihood of the development of metastasis, slow the growth of tumor and at the same time shrink the size of tumor. The use of chemotherapy as a treatment is used usually before the surgery or as the primary therapy.

Radiation therapy is another treatment used in the medical field. But this isn't used in a regular basis as this kind of therapy can lead to radiation enteritis. This kind of therapy is often used in rectal cancer since the rectum is easy to target. Often chemotherapy agents are used in conjunction with this kind of therapy in order to increase the effectiveness of the radiation.

The use of immunotherapy is in the works right now, as a treatment that can be used to address colon cancer. A vaccine is also in development right now in order to be used to combat the cancer. It was in November 2006 when this vaccine was announced and based on tests results, this vaccine can be an effective treatment for the cancer. The vaccine called TroVax harness the body's immune system in order to fight the cancer. Most of these treatments usually come complete with support therapies, since most patients suffer a change in their psychological well-being.

Why Bacteria May Be the Cause of Colon Cancer Symptoms

Dangers of Colon Cancer

Dangers of Colon Cancer

Studies show that colon cancer is one of the most deadliest forms of cancer and it is affecting more then 100,000 Americans every year. There are several stages to this cancer and one of the worst is known as metastatic colon cancer. Over half of patients diagnosed with colon cancer are metastatic. This means that the symptoms can only be diagnosed when the disease is in the advanced stages. This makes it difficult for doctors to treat it properly. Yet, there are patients that have been able to live for many years after the diagnosis.

Those with metastatic colon cancer have to deal with more problems because the cancerous cells have moved beyond the tissues in the colon and reached other organs of the body. Doctors say that one of the first to be infected is the lymphatic system. Once it reaches this part of the body the cancer cells will move to other organ cells of the lungs and liver. Other organs may also be infected.

Patients who have been diagnosed with colon cancer should know that there are several treatments available to them. They must consider all of their options and seek immediate treatment even if they have discovered the cancer in one if its earliest stages. Studies show that 20 to 30 percent of patients who are treated for metastatic colon cancer have the ability to survive for many years after they have been diagnosed. Those who seek treatment have a higher chance to live longer

and happy lives.

The hardest thing for patients who have been diagnosed is that it is so difficult for doctors to diagnose when it is in its early stages. The disease usually becomes more evident and easier to find when it is more advanced and sometimes when treatment options can be useless. That is why it is important for people to do what they can to prevent this disease.

So how are we to prevent colon cancer? The first thing that you need to look at is the lifestyle that you have. Your risk for colon cancer increase if you smoke or have a bad diet. It is important to avoid fatty foods that can clog your arteries and stick mainly to foods that are nutritious and fibrous for your body.

Smoking is one of the biggest factors that is related to cancer so it should always be avoided - even second hand smoke. Your weight is also a large factor that is partly connected to your diet. People who are obese can have some of the worst symptoms of colon cancer.

Doctors believe that people should begin colon cancer screening when they turn 50. You should then make regular visits every ten years after that unless your doctor says otherwise.

Effective Treatment For Colon Cancer

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to Treat Colon Cancer?

How to Treat Colon Cancer?

Cancer is the name for a disease that can affect cells from all the organs and body’s structures and is considered to be life threatening. The colon and rectum are a part of the large intestine and their function is to absorb nutrients and water from the food that passes through the intestine before it goes out of the body. Colon cancer is the disease that affects the cells from the colon and rectum creating a malign or benign tumor.

Treatment is possible for those who suffer of colon cancer. The treatment is based of three procedures: surgery, using radiations, and chemotherapy.

Generally the colon cancer is treated with surgery and this depends on the stage of the cancer. If the cancer is in an early stage then the doctor will take the tumor out by putting a tube that passes the rectum until it reaches the colon and only then cutting the tumor. This means that the doctor performs a local excision when the cancer is localized on a polyp than the procedure will be classified as a polypectomy. If the cancer is in a more advanced stage the doctor will have to cut that tumor out along with a part of the healthy colon. Then the two parts of healthy colon will be sewed together. The lymph nodes around the affected area will also be removed and analyzed at the microscope.

Sometimes the doctor can not sew the two heads of the colon and will be forced to make a hole on the surface of the body in order to create another anus, also known as a colostomy. This second anus will not be kept forever, it will be kept until the colon heals and can be sewed back. Sometimes if the situation is bad and the colon can not be saved, this colostomy will be permanent. The patient will further need a special bag made for collecting the body wastes. These bags are only for one use and are not able to be seen due to clothing and are easy to replace even by the patient.

Another procedure to treat cancer is radiotherapy. This therapy uses x-rays for killing cancerous cells and making the tumor stop its evolution and even shrink. Radiation therapy can be performed by special machines situated near the body and by special tubes that contain radioactive material and are placed inside the body near the intestines. The radiation therapy can be combined with surgery and other procedures for treating cancer.

Chemotherapy is also used in treating cancer. Chemotherapy uses pills or substances that go by vein in the organism. As these drugs travel the blood stream and can kill cancerous cell all over the body the chemotherapy is known to as a systemic therapy. Chemotherapy can be associated with surgery. While the surgeon removes the tumors that can be seen with by a naked eye, chemotherapy destroys those small cells that the surgeon can not remove.

Also, biological therapy can be used as it increases the forces of the organism to fight cancer and will help the body increase its defenses.

Dangers of Colon Cancer

Defend Youself From Colon Cancer

Defend Youself From Colon Cancer

Over 100,000 people will find out that they have colon cancer just in the United States alone. Colon cancer is one of the most spread cancer types in the U.S. while being the second and third factor of cancer death. But, thanks to new screening methods cancer can be diagnosed in its earliest stages resulting in a rising number of people being cured of this disease.

Since an abnormal cell needs 10-15 years to evolve into colorectal cancer, regular cancer testing would help diagnose and cure it before becoming a problem.

It is recommended that routine colonoscopies should be made every ten years since the age of 50. If you know that in your family someone had colon cancer or any other cancer forms you should start regular screenings more frequently and since at an earlier age.

The reason thatcolon cancer emerges is unknown and since it’s useless to prevent the abnormal cells from appearing there are measurements you can do to prevent it.

Two kinds of risk factors cause colorectal cancer: the ones you can do something about and the ones you can't control. The last type of factors includes:

* Age. The risk of getting colon cancer increases with the age. Sure, the risk exists even if you are young but it's way smaller.

* Family history. If some close relative of you has adenamotous polyps or colorectal cancer while they are still young your doctor will recommend colorectal cancer screenings before you are 50 years old because of the increased risk of developing the disease.

* Other risk increasing diseases. If you have Crohn's disease or any other chronic inflammatory bowel disease the risk for developing colon cancer increases. It is recommended having regular screenings after you have been diagnosed with any inflammatory bowel disease. If you have diabetes your risk of having colon cancer increases by 40 percent.

* Ethnic Background. Eastern Europeans, Jewish population and the African Americans tend to have an increased factor risk for colorectal cancer due to a genetic mutation.

Your doctor should be informed if you think you have some of these factors. Depending on these factors your doctor will advise you to begin the colorectal screenings earlier.

The risk factors that you can control include:

* The diet. Animal fats increase the risks of colon cancer. It is known that many fruits and vegetables lower the risk of cancer formation so it's recommended to have them every day and trying to substitute animal based food with "green" products.

* Exercise. Exercising will increase your fitness and in the same time lower the risk of most diseases including colorectal cancer.

* Obesity. Overweight is increases the chances of dying from colorectal cancer. You need to speak with your doctor about helping you lose some weight.

* Smoking. This is responsable for 12 percent of all deaths caused by colorectal cancer. Besides, the chemicals contained by cigarettes are responsable for all sorts of cancer.

* Alcohol. You can lower the risk of colorectal cancer by consuming less alcohol because, large alcohol intake increases the risk.

It really doesn't matter what your risk factor is. You can change the development of colon cancer by maintaining a healthy life. This includes exercising, having care of your diet and weight and limiting smoking and drinking.

How to Treat Colon Cancer?

The Different Colon Cancer Types

Cancer is a medical condition that has grown all too popular and impacting thousands of individuals. There are tons of various types of cancer. Several of the more common types are; breast cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.

Out of these, colon cancer - referred to as colorectal cancer - is the most common. According to health experts 1 out of 17 individuals that live in the United States alone will be diagnosed with colon cancer. It has been ranked the third most average cancer that men will be diagnosed with.

What makes colon cancer so fatal is how difficult it is for doctors to spot it around an early stages. There are many different types of colon cancer that will bear upon a person differently. Some are more serious than other types and if they are not spotted early there is no promising treatment for the patient.


This type is the most average type of colon cancer that will start out in a patient's glands. This type has two contrasting subtypes that are; signet ring cell and mutinous. 90 - 95% of patients who are treated for colon cancer will have the adenocarcinomas type.


This type of colon cancer will start out inside of the smooth muscle that is in the colon. Less than 2% of individuals who are diagnosed with colon cancer will be diagnosed with this type. They also have a better chance of recovery.


Lymphomas is a rare type of colon cancer that normally begins inside the rectum before it travels to the colon. It is feasible for this to start in other sections of the body. When this takes place the cancer has an increased risk of circulating to the colon before moving to the rectum at a faster pace.


This is another rare type of colon cancer that will normally start out in a different area of a patient's body before it spreads to the colon and the rectum. Not even 2% of people diagnosed with colon cancer will suffer from this medical condition.

Neuroendocrine Tumors

These tumours have been broken into two classifications; indolent and aggressive. The aggressive type are neuroendocrine tumors that can be large or small cell. Carcinoid tumors are indolent.

Defend Youself From Colon Cancer

Monday, June 15, 2009

Colon Cancer Statistics

Colon Cancer Statistics

Colon cancer is one of the most feared types of cancer by both men and women. The reason is that colon cancer is now fourth on the most known cancer list in many countries around the world. It is also known to be the second most common cause of death in countries like the United State of America. So, I belive these are some pretty good reasons to fear colon cancer, am I right?

If you belive that these are not good enough reasons to fear colon cancer, then here are some more statistics about this type of cancer. A person that has reached the age of fifty has almost five percent risk of being diagnosed with colon cancer. Furthermore, people at this age have also a three percent risk of dying from colon cancer. If these statistics about colon cancer still do not worry you, then you should also know that a person that dies from colon cancer looses almost thirteen years of his/ her life, which is a pretty big number if you ask me.

Moreover, statistics say that more than eight percent of all colon cancer cases arise from a certain type of polyps called adenomatous. If these polyps are smaller than one centimeter, then the risk of developing colon cancer is less than one percent. However, if these polyps are bigger than one centimeter, then the risk of colon cancer rises. Ten percent of these polyps turn into colon cancer in then years time and more than twenty percent in twenty year' s time. Furthermore as time also passes by the risk of developing colon cancer increase as well. If at the age of forty, the risk of those polyps becoming malignant was about twenty percent, then at fifty it increases to twenty five percent and at the age of seventy the percentage goes as high as fifty.

Most of the colon cancer cases happen in people that are not exposed to any particular risk factors. However, twenty percent of colon cancer cases occur in people with certain risk factors. Family history of colon cancer is the most common of these risk factors. A small percentage of these cases, almost six percent, are also caused by genetic syndromes. People that suffer from ulcerative colitis are also more at risk of developing colon cancer as so are those that have been diagnosed with large polyps or even with colon cancer.

The Different Colon Cancer Types

About Colon Cancer

About Colon Cancer

When cells that are not normal grow in the rectum or in the colon colorectal cancer occurs. This is also called cancer of the colon or rectal cancer. It forms tumors as it grows. This type of cancer usually occurs in the life of people above 50 years of age and is one of the most common types of cancer in today. It is the second leading cancer deaths in America today and what makes it to be complex is that it is not detected easily.

Usually, it starts as polyps which are little growths inside the colon or the rectum. Colon polyps are very common though not all of them turn out to become cancer. However, it is very difficult to tell ahead which polyp will graduate to cancer and which one will not. This is why it is very important for people over 50 years old to go for test and ascertain if they have any polyps and if there is, it is necessary that they be removed.

What makes this particular type of cancer to be very dangerous is that it does not have any known symptom or the symptom may hide until it begins to spread. But while observing your body, which is a normal thing to do, if you notice the following symptoms in your body, you should try to see a doctor, because probably, colon cancer might be in place.

*Pain in the stomach (belly)

*When you begin to notice blood in your stool or you notice that your stool is unusually hard.

*When you are experiencing constant spooling or you notice that your bowels are not completely emptied after trying to do so, colon cancer may be in the pipeline.

In order to be sure that you are free from colorectal cancer, or to know if you have one, the first thing to do is to subject yourself to thorough medical check up. You have to go for a test called Colonoscopy. This test helps the doctor to see the entire inside of the colon and the rectum. The doctor will then, either remove the polyps, if there is any, or take tissue samples from areas that he thinks that are not normal. He will then examine these tissues through a microscope to be fully sure if there is any atom of colon cancer or not. There are other tests that can be carried out to know if there is colon cancer in the body or not, and this type of tests are called Barium enema or sigmoidoscopy.

In treating colon cancer, there are many methods of doing so, but the most common means of treatment is by surgery. Surgery is simply a process of removing the cancer when it is detected and the best time for the surgery is at the early stage of development. However, if the cancer has spread to the walls of the colon, it may not necessary need surgery; rather, more advanced method will be applied. This advanced method is called radiation or chemotherapy. Though these methods have side effects, with proper home care and medicine, it can be taken managed. When somebody discovers that he or she has cancer, it is advised that the person should seek for counseling or advice from a doctor instead of keeping quiet and he or she will be advised on what to do thereby reducing the tension that might occur because of the cancer. Also it is necessary that the person should try and meet with people suffering from cancer like him and know how they are coping. No matter how upset the person may be, it is advised that he should not keep quiet, but rather go out and seek for counsel.

How do we prevent colon cancer?

Colon or rectal cancer is common among people who are 50 years and above, so the best the best way to prevent it is to start earlier going for screening tests. During this period, if there are certain diseases or other conditions that may lead to cancer, it will be discovered and removed. Anybody who has a family history of colon cancer should not joke with this but rather take this screening exercise serious and it must be started early.

The most common screening tests are listed below:

* Facial occult blood test. This is a process whereby a small sample of stool is collected on a special card provided by the doctor and sent for an analysis in the laboratory. Some chemical substances will be dropped on the stool and if the solution changes color, it is an evidence of the presence of cancer.

** Sigmoidoscopy. In this process, the doctor will fix a flexible viewing tube from the rectum down to colon to enable him see the lower part of the intestine which is where most of the colon cancer grows.

***Barium enema. In this process, Barium which is a whitish liquid is poured into the rectum and the colon. This white liquid makes the colon more visible with an x-ray machine.

**** Colonoscopy. Here, the doctor puts a long flexible viewing tube into the rectum and the colon. This tube will be linked to a monitor that is similar to a T.V. screen .

Colon Cancer Statistic

What is Colon Cancer ?

What is Colon Cancer ?

Colon cancer occurs when a tumor appears inside the colon or the rectum. Two types of tumors can form inside the large intestine (the colon together with the rectum form the large intestine) - benign tumors and malignant tumors. Benign tumors are called polyps, and they can easily be surgically removed without any complications. However, in many cases benign tumors are not discovered, and in time they turn into malignant tumors. Malignant tumors are tumors that evolve and spread very fast and can cause death.
If a polyp that's inside the colon has just turned into a malignant tumor, then colon cancer appears. In this early stage it can be treated and cured without any problems, but the existence of the tumor does not cause any signs and symptoms to appear until the cancer has already spread much, so it's hard to detect these early tumors.

After it has spread, colon cancer starts to cause symptoms that can't be overlooked, like blood in the stool, change in bowel habits, fatigue, vomiting, stomach aches, so in this phase it's easy to discover and diagnose it, after some clinical tests and trials.
The firs thing that doctors do once a patient is diagnosed with colon cancer is to surgically remove the parts of the large intestine that are affected and then sew the intestine back. The large intestine is over 4 feet long so removing a few inches from it won't hurt much.

After the colon cancer surgery, tests are performed in order to check in there are any other cancerous cells left in the body. If these tests show that the cancer has passed through the large intestine's walls, into the abdominal cavity, and it has infected cells and tissues there, then a stage 3 colon cancer is diagnosed. If there are other places where the cancer has spread, then stage 4 colon cancer is the diagnose.

After the diagnose the patient must immediately continue the therapy, in order to remove all the remaining cancer cells. More clinical trials must be performed to establish what the best treatment is.
Stage 3 colon cancer can be cured, and the survival rate of patients is around 50%. The treatment used in most cases is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is done by injecting some substances directly in the blood. These substances can help the body fight the cancerous cells, but they also cause severe side-effects, among which you can find loss of hair, loss of weight, fatigue, confusion, and many more.
Chemotherapy treatment is improved each year, and scientists hope to find the best solution for treating stage 3 colon cancer in the near future, and the survival rate is increasing.

About Colon Cancer